This rode most of the trip with us on the front dash.
After our last trip, a friend asked us to do a "best of" summary and we waited too long and never did it. So we'll do it right now while it's fresh in our minds. To start, here's everyone's top "five":
1. Going on Space Mountain in the front seat.
2. Toy Story Shooter Ride - Buzz Lightyear Astro Blastors.
3. Mickey's Fun Wheel.
4. Thunder Mountain.
5. Going to the Redwoods.
6. Delicious hotel breakfast, specifically the biscuits and gravy. (@ Modesto Super 8)
7. Going Home.
8. Getting caricature done.
9. Picture with Moving Statue Guy at Universal Studios.
10. Minion Mayhem ride at Universal Studios.
11. Universal Studios tour- including seeing Norman Bates stalk the tour bus.
12. California Poppy Fields.
13. Wildlife Safari - all of it.
14. Getting ice cream at the Olive Pit.
15. Watching Cinderella.
16. Oregon Vortex.

Getting caricature done, she loved every moment of this!

With Otis at the Redwoods.
1. Transformers Ride at Universal Studios.
2. Rode Tower of Terror without screaming.
3. Rode California Screamin' twice.
4. Rode Space Mountain by myself.
5. Great Chandelier Tree.
6. House of Mystery Gravity Change.
7. Getting drenched by a whale, twice.
8. Going on studio tour at Universal Studio - the cool animation in the tunnel (he
doesn't want to ruin it for you guys).
9. Playing the tablet at night.
10. Getting home to see my computer all sparkling.

Before the epically awesome Transformers ride at Universal Studios.

Fascination at Disneyland's Main Street Magic Shop.
1. Driving through the Redwoods in the sunshine with the sunroof open.
2. The warm, sunny weather and all the beautiful flowers of southern California, including the poppy fields.
3. Adventuring together as a family and seeing the kids experience all these things
for the first time.
4. Catching up with family we hadn't seen in a while.
5. Pirates of the Caribbean ride when you go over that first big drop.

With her favorite flowers!

These flowers were in a shopping center parking lot. Beautiful flowers everywhere!
1. Carne Asada burritos at Roberto's in Encinitas, CA.
2. Having new roller coaster buddies in the kids.
3. Watching Sofia delight in learning to swim and dive.
4. Visiting family.
5. Staying at a hotel across the street from Disneyland.

He found his own creek!

Ride Buddies - these guys had a total blast together.
Most Memorable Moments:
- Swimming in ice cold pool in Northern California.
- Talking to Dr. Jin about our brains.
- Riding Mickey's (not so) Fun Wheel.
- Seeing Cinderella movie together.
- How serendipitous the Alice and Wonderland ride was for our last ride
at Disneyland.

Moments before the horror began, on Mickey's "Fun" Wheel.
What we learned:
Sofia - Don't judge a book by it's cover. Some of the rides that looked really scary
were actually very fun. (Space Mountain, Thunder Railroad, California Screamin')
Otis - The Oregon Vortex is a crazy place full of anti-gravity stunts.
Liz - 4D means that either something will at some point spray or mist on you, a smell of some kind will be released, something under your chair will whip your ankles, snow or wind or bubbles will be released; either all or some combination of the above. In case you wondered.
Patrick - Sometimes a bucket of (boat) trash can be a good thing.

With Bubba Gump's Bucket of Boat Trash
Most Dangerous:
- The strollers at Disneyland. Seriously.
- Lane splitting: It's not illegal for motorcycles to ride in between lanes on the freeway in California, and they do it going 70+ mph.
- The price of food and drinks at all the theme parks.
And now to end with one of our favorites from the trip, a luscious In-N-Out Double Double meal (complete with a place mat for your lap.)

So tasty, and so easy to order!
We hope you've enjoyed this account of our southern California trip. We'll be back on-line blogging about some of our Oregon adventures soon. Until then, we wish you many happy travels and adventures of your own!