Monday, March 30, 2015

March at Lan Su Chinese Garden

In Portland's historic Old Town Chinatown, one of Liz's favorite Oregon places:

Every month there is something new happening in the garden. Not only are the flowers and plants always changing, but there are sometimes animal visitors as well. In late January, you could watch hummingbirds flitting around the treetops from the upper level of the tea shop. In February, there were lions in the garden. This late March visit also included a wonderful surprise - a huge owl resting in one of the garden trees. We didn't catch any photos of the hummingbirds, but the lion and owl photos are displayed near the end of this post.

The US Bancorp Tower overlooks the garden and was a particularly glowing shade of pink Saturday morning.

Beautiful white blooms near entrance.

A rock garden? Artificial mountains and rock gardens are an important part of Classical Chinese gardens as mountain peaks represent virtue, stability and endurance in the philosophy of Confucious and in the I Ching. (According to Wikipedia)

If remembered correctly from a February tour, this plant will have a bloom with an extremely stinky smell. Ironically, it's located just outside the women's bathroom. Looks like it's getting close to blooming.

In the courtyard near the scholars study.

Near the scholars study. Have never noticed the writing on the pillars until the flowers bloomed by them.

Dappled sunlight on the tiles.

Can you see the owl sitting in the upper middle branches?

And from February:

Liz had an up close encounter with a "lion" during the Chinese New Year celebration.
(Photo by Elizabeth Goodman)

Also from the New Year celebration:

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