We have arrived at our last destination before returning home: Akumal, Mexico. Akumal sits on the southern coast between Tulum and Playa del Carmen and is known for its beaches, sea turtles in the water, and for being a family friendly town/ beach. We are ready to go home and also determined to enjoy this last week of sunshine before returning to the cold and rain! We are a little less homesick this week because Patricks' parents, Martin and Ruth, have arrived to spend this week in Akumal with us.
We kicked off our tour yesterday with a sailing, fishing and snorkeling excursion on a catamaran, the Kantaris. We cruised for a while, fishing off the back before setting anchor at a private beach. Although we didn't catch anything, the crew still managed to find some delicious fish, which they cooked up for lunch along with freshly made guacamole, pico de gallo, conch ceviche and fresh pineapple while we snorkeled and played on the beach. Unfortunately a rain squall poured on us right as we were dishing up lunch but the food was amazing. On the way back into Akumal bay we saw a turtle swimming until it saw us and dived. It was a fun trip and we highly recommend it: the Robinson Crusoe trip through the Akumal Dive Shop.
We finished off the day with dinner at the seafood restaurant La Cueva Del Pescador. We had been unable to acquire cash as both cash machines in town were out of order (out of money) and when we found out that the restaurant doesn't take cards we were preparing to leave. However, the server told us we could pay him tomorrow, something none of us has experienced before! We enjoyed our meal of calamari (squid), camarones (shrimp), mini-lobsters, and fish soup.
Today our plan is to drive into Tulum, tour the ruins and do some sightseeing.
PS: In the shower in Mexico, C means caliente, NOT cold. F stands for frio. It's important to know when you have to leave the correct one running for 5 minutes before the hot water arrives.
Pictures 5, 6 & 7 below by Ruth Voelker