Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Liz: Day 46: Travel Nirvana in Hopkins, Belize

Last night the kids experienced their first 4 course meal at a very nice restaurant.  They went in ready to use their best manners and they did a great job. They practiced polite conversation and did not mention the items that were not their favorite, even though they were eating from the adult menu.  At the end of the meal (which lasted about two hours) our server complimented them and said they had been perfectly behaved. We were very proud of them.  Six and eight are great ages to travel!

Today (Monday) was our catching up, errand day.  We shopped for groceries and Valentines, filled up our water bottles with bottled water, and took our laundry to be washed. We cooked lunch at home on a hot plate and it was very satisfying.  We bought some fresh local veggies and sausages made by the local Mennonites and sauteed them.  After a while eating out gets tiring.  It is nice to be cooking again.  We're going to have our own kitchen for the next ten days so we're going to try to eat at home more.  It's a fraction of the cost and we have to recharge our eating out batteries so we can live it up our last week.

About the travel nirvana, I've been having these blissful moments lately when I feel so intensely happy about life, thinking about how much beauty is in the world and how interesting people are.  I was thinking that I had finally hit that point in a long trip where you let go and just enjoy the moment, no matter what happens.  However, Patrick has noticed that I seem most blissful during and directly following our morning coffee, which does happen to be true.  I'm not sure what to make of it as coffee doesn't do that for me at home.  Maybe it's a little of both.

Tomorrow we are headed for a tour of Marie Sharps' Hot Sauce factory.  We've seen and tried her hot sauce all around Belize and are looking forward to seeing where the magic happens.

1 comment:

Ulises & Erin said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Sending Love and Prayers your way! - La Familia Rodriguez