Sunday, February 12, 2012

Liz: Day 44: Fishing At Tranquility Bay

"That was the best thing that has happened in my life so far!" Otis said while recounting today's fishing trip.  It WAS pretty fun!  At about 4 
we loaded onto  a small motor boat.  Jamal, our fishing guide, gave us a quick refresher on how to cast and how to hook the fish and then took us out to a channel that leads from the reef into the ocean.  It's up to 70 feet deep in places and they get some big fish there.

At first the fish weren't biting much. We tried a couple different spots. I caught one smaller red snapper that was big enough to keep. It was the first fish I've caught completely on my own and that felt good.  The kids were excited.  We fished a little more.  The sun set and some big dark rain clouds were coming from out over the water. It was getting dark and we were about to go in when the fish started biting like crazy.  Patrick and I caught six fish but had to throw two back.  Jamal caught a big red snapper.  It was very exciting. 

By this time it was so dark we couldn't see the line coming up out of the water.  We were fishing by feel.  Little spots of bioluminescent light floated by. The water was full of glowworms and then we started seeing flashes of white reflecting off the fish from the boat light down in the water.  There were lots of fish out there!  I saw the long tube shape of a squid with a line of glowing circles swim past. 

When we returned, the cooks in the kitchen cooked up our fish for us. It doesn't get any better than that, fresh snapper right out of the ocean!

1 comment:

ruthyv said...

Oh,that cooked snapper looks delicious!