Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Liz: Day 18: At The Hacienda

We are staying at an hacienda near the Mayan ruins, Uxmal.  The hacienda itself is very elegant.  The floors are made from gorgeous tiles of different colors and designs and tall trees and palms give it a natural garden feel.  In the distance there are horses grazing and sheep in the fields and nearby is a full-size swimming pool.  As we walked around I could feel my ambitious sight-seeing plans for tomorrow fading in importance.  It is very quiet here, except for the birds in the morning and the women's tour group that checked in late last night.  There are no glass windows, just wooden slats that open and close, so the sound carries a little more than usual.  Many famous people have stayed here in the past; Queen Elizabeth, Jacqueline Kennedy, Prince Grace of Monaco, to name a few.  It adds some glamour to the experience!

Today we stopped at another hacienda, Hacienda Ochil, en route.  The haciendas are from the time of henequen (sisal) plantations. Sisal plants look like giant blue Aloe Vera plants but they produce a tough fiber that can be used to make things like hammocks as well as industrial twine.  The sisal plantations went out of business when synthetic fibers overtook the market, but a number of the haciendas have been restored and are now used as hotels, museums or spaces to rent for events.   Although now faded, Hacienda Ochil inspired the imagination.  There is a small museum there and a restaurant where you can get lunch.  I would love to have a time machine to see what it was like in the time of the Mayans and then in the time of the haciendas.

Pictured below: some photos of Hacienda Ochil and our hotel, Haciend Uxmal (first).

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