Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Liz: Day 19: Uxmal

We were all a little cranky to start this morning. The kids are needing a break from us and each other, and probably vice versa too.  Then Patrick remembered and reminded me that we are on vacation in a different country and we're just getting started.  It was a good reminder not to get caught up in the minutia of travel and enjoy the bigger picture.

Today we toured our second set of Mayan ruins: Uxmal (pronounced OOSH-MALL).  I loved it. It was so peaceful and beautiful.  Pictures do not do justice to the perfection of the smooth stones rising out of the jungle. How did they cut the stones in such perfectly straight lines?  We all enjoyed sitting at the top of one of the taller structures watching the iguanas sun themselves on the rock and the wind blow through the trees, uncovering hidden ruins in the distance.  I could have spent a lot longer exploring there sans kiddos. 

Our next stop was a tour of the ecomuseo de cacao on the Tikul plantation.  This included a live demonstration of how the Mayans made choko-ha, the chocolate drink made from roasted cacao beans from which we get the name chocolate.  We got to sample it as well as walk through exhibits that showed what Mayan life was like.  It was very well done and a great addition to the tour of the ruins.

And then, at long last (for Sofia), back to the hacienda for a refreshing dip in the pool.  I have to admit, it was a wonderful finish to a day of dusty climbing and exploring in the heat.  And now, both kids are happily laughing and playing with their Daddy in the pool while I am sipping a Margarita on the patio.  Life is good.  It's going to be tough to get up early tomorrow for a travel day. On the other hand, we're headed for Isla Cozumel and a two bedroom apartment with a pool.  It sounds like just what we need.

Pictured below in no particular order: a cacao pod and beans, the magicians temple at Uxmal, one of the many animal statues decorating Uxmal, a red-headed woodpecker for my Dad ;-)

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